Monday, May 18, 2009

My Open Letter to Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Dear Bibi,

Shalom and may HaShem bless you as always

As you know I am a big fan of your leadership style, your spirit and your enthusiasm to protect the Jewish people and the state of Israel from harms. As you know, I want to remind you that Jewish people are not only the living race on the earth surface, as a great leader, you should care about other races as well especially the Arabs Palestinians that are living in Israel. 

As the lesson that you learnt on the year 2000 that of how important it is to unite with other party especially the right wing Kadima is essential in maintaining the stability of your nation. As you regain power as the Prime Minister from President Shimon Peres on 2009, that should be the only main focus above other aspects, security would not come without peace and unity. Both of you and Tzipi Livni should not put Political Ideology and your stubbornness above all the loving people including the Jewish and the Arabs people that are tired of this ongoing war. This earth does not need another World War and it is your responsibility as the leader of your people to do what is best for them and to make Israel as ONE and the rest will falls to the right sequence.

Thank you for your time and looking forward to meet you soon

Iskandar zulkarnain

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